Solana 基金会和广大社区如何建立一个更好、更节能的 Web3。
Solana 的能源使用情况如何
比较 Solana 高效率的平台。
一笔 Solana (投票 + 无投票)交易 [0.84kJ]

中和 Solana 的碳影响
Solana 基金会致力于研究 Solana 区块链的影响、开源数据并采取措施使该链的碳足迹降到零。
Solana 是第一个具有实时能源排放追踪功能的智能合约底层区块链,使世界上任何人都可以检查网络的碳排放,精细到验证者或者 RPC 的情况。
Gainforest combines artificial intelligence with community-engagement to get real-time data on the world’s forests and turn conservation areas into digital impact certificates, unique to the space each certificate is tied to.

EcoToken brings environmental credits to Solana, offering an easy way for anyone to have an environmental impact. This is complemented by recognition through leaderboards and NFT Impact Certificates.
Visit EcoToken
Outerverse by Outside Interactive
The Outerverse is an NFT-based outdoor creator community and marketplace on a mission to inspire more people to get outside – and 20% of net revenue from all sales goes to nonprofits working for sustainability and DEI.
Visit Outerverse
WiHi is a decentralized solution to the problems of weather forecasting and climate monitoring.
Visit WiHi